CSS Playbook

You are what your record says you are.

Bill ParcellsHall of Fame - American Football Coach

When we conduct a review of a vendor, we don’t just kick the tires, we get under the hood and conduct an exhaustive inspection of every aspect of the business.

The CSS vendor analysis Playbook is a living document that continues to evolve with the speed of advancement in the industry. A ‘black book’ of who’s who is based on our analysis of over 4,000 cybersecurity solution providers across the financial services and health care sectors. Add to that our active participation in ISAC sharing regarding business viability and reputation risk, and CSS clients benefit from the most up-to-date intelligence and forecasting.

Our thorough scrutiny of each vendor in the marketplace is based on criteria in six categories. We dig deep within each to ensure every question is addressed and every angle considered to determine their ability to meet enterprise scale and regulatory complexity.

Analysis From Every Perspective

Product Portfolio

At what stage will you enter the market (early adopter, fast follower, follower, laggard)? What is the maturity of your product as well as peer success or removal, and any relevant feedback?

Deployment Feedback

Did the vendor deliver as promised? What was the time to operationalized value? Is the feedback from customers consistent?

Customer Churn

Is the vendor losing renewals and why are customers canceling? What is the common theme of feedback from global enterprise accounts?


Why is this company getting attention? What makes them stand out compared to others in their category?  

Financial Viability

What is the sequence of funding and valuation? When was the last funding and how much was raised?  What is the VC level of commitment and experience in cybersecurity?

Industry Trends

Who are the vendors making an immediate impact and who are the top companies in each category—and why? We have our finger on the pulse of the comings and goings of all vendors based on customer feedback.  

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